First, you have your in-laws come in for a Saturday and help paint the base coat color and trim. (In our case it wouldn't have gotten done had they not come in town...)
Then you have your mom fly in the next weekend to help with the stripes. (Make sure the paint is very, very, very, very dry or else the tape will pull the paint up.) First we had to decide the width of each color of stripe. Keep in mind how many walls you are going to do. We decided to do our base color in a full 12 inches and the ivory we did in 6 inches. It was horrible on only one wall, but on the whole room it looks really great. So, my mom measured all the stripes out, make sure to keep the pattern consistent (we had alot of 'oh, crap!' moments.)
After the stripes are drawn on the wall (we used fabric chalk, but a pencil works too if you write really lightly.) Tape off the base colored stripes. Make sure to leave open the stripes you want to paint and try to tape it so that you can paint over your pencil marks. (If you don't, don't worry, it's easy to touch up later.)
Make sure all the lines are level before you start painting. My mom did this as she taped so she could fix as she went. In this picture we were checking to make sure the baby is level. (I don't think it was.)
As Mom was measuring and taping, I can behind and sponged the lines. I just used paper towels and a paper plate (wal-mart was low on sponge selections.) But use any painting sponge and it will be great....
You may want to use gloves....
Once the stripes are all dried, take of the tape, and there you go!!! Striped walls!!!